Recently an organic toddler soy formula using organic brown rice syrup was found to be high in arsenic by Dartmouth College researchers. It has been known for years that rice tends to concentrate arsenic. This is worse in rice from southern states and Bangladesh. Unless you have the genetic polymorphism of being a "collector" of toxic metals, your body will detoxify the arsenic you may have been exposed to. If brown rice syrup has been a staple in your child's diet, you can do a hair toxic metals test. The test is $55 and is easily performed with a sample of hair. The kits are available through my office. If needed, there are some simple steps you can take to detox arsenic.
Functional Medicine is a highly accurate method to heal the body by designing a custom nutritional program for each individual. The result of a custom program is to restore function to the organs and the immune system.
Read more...Naturopathy employs the natural forces that the body has to heal. Through modulating the endocrine system, the detoxification pathways, and the rejuvenation forces of the body, it can heal and be brought into a state of vibrant health.
Read more...Low-Force Chiropractic is a highly refined method of aligning the bones and joints that never involves any twisting or popping. This gentle technique delivers maximum results in a minimum number of treatments. Using a system of reflex analysis, the body's own innate intelligence guides Dr. Ryan exactly where and when it needs to be adjusted.