Should You Opt for the New 3-D Ultrasound Mammogram?

It is now coming to light in the mainstream that traditional 2-D mammograms are not reliable for women with dense breast tissue or younger women who might have a genetic predisposition to developing Cancer. 

CDC has recently updated their guidelines for mammography frequency studies. They are now recommended to begin at age 50 and happen every other year. If, however you have dense breasts or an inconclusive mammogram, there is a new technology called AWBUS/SonoCiné available through my colleague Dr. Kevin Kelly here in Pasadena, who I have been recommending for the past 15 years.

The new, highly sensitive and accurate Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound is so far, only available by Dr. Kevin Kelly. Unfortunately, the ABUS/Invenia Automated Breast Ultrasound, produced by GE, is not the same technology and is far less accurate in the images it produces.

Please ensure that your health insurance covers this procedure as it is still considered a “new” technology. Out of pocket, it usually costs $350. Some insurance companies may offer to cover it, if after a regular mammogram is inconclusive due to dense breast tissue.  I myself choose to do only the SonoCiné, and avoid the radiation and practice Functional Medicine for breast health.


For more information:

Watch Dr. Kevin Kelly’s Ted Talk.

Watch Good Day LA feature.

Read Vogue article.

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